Friday, May 27, 2011


Hey guys!  So I officially suck at blogging and I have not updated in months.  YIKES.  Anyways, consider this entry to be my new dedication to blogging about my every adventure.  I'll try to fill in the blanks over the next couple of days as best I can.  I figured that since I'm staying here for a year (!!!!) I should probably keep you guys more updated.

Frolicking in Australia where two beaches meet!
Nothing too exciting has been going on here in Auckland since I came home from Easter break in Australia (I'll make a post about this as soon as I can).  I've been busy with school work and catching up on all of my classes to get prepared for upcoming finals.  But just so you guys know, I am having a blast over here.  This doesn't mean I don't miss you all dearly, because I do!